If you are a current owner or manager of an apartment or condominium complex, you may want to consider investing in a common area laundry facility. Not only is a multi-housing laundry facility a means of additional revenue, but it is an attractive amenity for your residents.
Fitting your buildings with commercial laundry machines can be a simple and lucrative addition to your multi-housing property. Additionally, the cost of installing laundry equipment in each individual housing unit far exceeds the cost savings when leasing commercial laundry equipment. In-unit washers and dryers can lead to flooding or wall damage and require more plumbing, venting and electrical wiring.
Multi-housing properties have a consistent demand for laundry facilities. A laundry room investment creates a reliable source of revenue, which is also less vulnerable to economic fluctuations. There are some additional benefits business owners can enjoy:
Investing in the laundry business when you own or operate a multi-housing property can be as easy as just getting started. By following these steps, you can add laundry facilities to your building, enhancing its appeal to both current and prospective tenants while adding an extra income to your books:
Industrial washing machines and dryers can handle up to eight loads of laundry daily, making these an investment with clear benefits. Operating at high capacities is just one of the perks you will enjoy when you lease commercial laundry machines.
Commercial machines offer faster cycle times and their holding capacity means that users can do more laundry in a shorter amount of time. These machines can also hold much more than the standard 20 pounds of domestic appliances. The larger door openings also simplify the unloading process for users.
Stock your facility with high-quality units manufactured by trusted brands. The Speed Queen, Maytag and Whirlpool machines come with Energy Star qualification—choosing these eco-friendly machines allows your facility to effectively conserve energy and water resources. Residents who utilize community laundry rooms save more energy than residents who use in-unit machines.
A multi-housing laundry facility in your property serves as an attractive amenity to prospective residents. A well-designed laundry room can be a solid selling point to prospective residents. Laundry is a household necessity and many residents prefer the convenience of having a common area laundry facility in their building rather than commuting to a laundromat.
These appliances will run seven days a week, handling heavy loads at frequent intervals throughout the day. With more support from your supplier and robust machines that can meet your facility’s needs, steer clear of prolonged downtime.
Investing in commercial laundry facilities in multi-housing properties provides a reliable income that increases property value while providing low overheads, better recession resistance and lucrative revenue.
Caldwell & Gregory is the preferred choice for leasing commercial laundry equipment for multi-housing laundry facilities throughout Florida. We offer free, professional installation on all of our laundry machines and we love helping our clients improve the aesthetics of their laundry rooms. For more information on leasing or installation of Caldwell & Gregory’s commercial washers and dryers, contact a Caldwell & Gregory representative today.